Hillston – Stoneville, Western Australia

Hillston, Stoneville, was an 'open' reformatory for adolescent boys situated on a property designated as a working farm. It was run by the State Government of Western Australia and the Department for Community Welfare. It continued the Hillston Anglican Farm School which was run by the Anglican Diocesan Council. Hillston closed in 1984. All the boys that were admitted to Hillston were wards of the State of Western Australia.

In 1969 boys from 12 years old were regularly admitted to Hillston. It was a large institution and during the 1970s there were never less than 200 admissions each year. Its peak was in 1976 with 363 admissions. Each year in June, there was a head count of boys at Hillston. In 1970, there were 68 boys; 81 boys in 1974; and in 1976 there were 69 boys.

Moody Law has recently represented a client who was sexually abused by a carer in the late 1970s when he was placed at Hillston by the State of Western Australia. We invite other former victims to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.

Call us or complete the confidential enquiry form below.