McCall Centre - Perth, Western Australia

The McCall Centre began its operation in 1971 in West Perth. It was a government-run Home intended for the long-term accommodation of up to 20 children aged from four years old whom the State of Western Australia diagnosed with significant emotional or behavioural issues. The Centre’s original intentions was to help children overcome their problems while they were still young and thus not become a burden to the community later on. Over the years the McCall Centre moved to Highgate in 1972 and then to Mosman Park in 1973. By 1974 the McCall Centre admitted only 10 children to a shorter-term residential program. By 1995 the McCall Centre was the administrative head of five metropolitan hostels. It is reported that the McCall Centre closed in 2005.

Moody Law has recently represented a client who was sexually abused by a carer in the early 1970s when he was placed at the McCall Centre by the State of Western Australia. We invite other former victims to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.

Call us or complete the confidential enquiry form below.