Other Catholic Schools — Moody Law

Other Catholic Schools

We lead the way in Australia. Find out where you stand by talking to one of our experienced lawyers.



Other Catholic Schools Claims

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse found that almost one in three of all survivors who had a private session (2,186 survivors or 31.8 per cent) with the Royal Commission specified that us they were sexually abused as a child in a school institution. Of these survivors: three-quarters (75.9 per cent) said they were abused in non-government schools, of which 73.8 per cent identified a Catholic school.  

If someone in a position of trust from any catholic school has inappropriately touched you or sexually assaulted you, you may be entitled to a range of benefits and compensation.

Below are some Catholic schools, or orders that ran schools, that have a history of child sexual abuse:

Moody Law has represented in the past and is still representing clients who were students at a catholic college. We invite former students, teachers and parents to contact us to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.

Private and Confidential

All claims are private and confidential unless you want publicity.  Usually, there is no need to include your family members or friends in the process.   


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