Scout Abuse Claims — Moody Law

Scout Abuse Claims

We lead the way in Australia for all types of Scout Abuse Claims. Find out where you stand by talking to one of our experienced lawyers.



Scout Abuse Claims  

The Royal Commission, which concluded last year, heard the Scouting movement had a long history of child sex abuse allegations and a lot of work to do to effectively respond to victims.  We have acted for many adult survivors of sexual abuse who were abused by Scout leaders on camps and in troop meetings.  We have evidence of the Scouts not believing reports of sexual abuse and the abuses continuing against young boys.

Sadly the level of abuse is Nationwide. The organisation has admitted that they did not listen to some children who came forward and that they had a lot of work to do to effectively respond to victims. 

Some of the common symptoms of abuse related conditions are:

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Dissociation

  • PTSD

  • Drug or Alcohol Dependency

  • Isolation and Pain

If someone in a position of trust from the Scouts or has inappropriately touched you or sexually assaulted you, you may be entitled to a range of benefits and compensation.  

Claims can be made if the abuse happened at Scouts, on camp, or even if the abuse happened at home or private place.  

We are Experts in this Field

The vast majority of these claims are managed privately and without the need of a court process.

Private and Confidential

Scout abuse claims are private and confidential unless you want publicity.  Usually, there is no need to include your family members or friends in the process.   


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