List of Alleged and Convicted Perpetrators

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We Lead the Way in Historical Child Sexual Abuse

The following is a list of published perpetrators who have been accused - and in some instances convicted - for offences dealing with historical child sexual abuse.  Please note this is not a complete list.  Please contact us if you have more information about these perpetrators.

  1. Captain Lawrence Wilson - The Salvation Army

  2. Major Colin Haggar - The Salvation Army  

  3. Captain Allan Smith - The Salvation Army

  4. Captain John McIver - The Salvation Army

  5. Bill Neill - Jehovah Witnesses

  6. Daniel Hayman - Yeshiva Bondi

  7. Rabbi David Kramer - Yeshiva Melbourne

  8. John Body

  9. Frank Houston - Hillsong Church

  10. Alan Swingler

  11. Stephen Grant Randell (former cricket umpire and lay teacher)

  12. James Richard Gunn (lay teacher)

  13. Kevin Lynch

  14. Robert Brandeburg (Church of England Boys’ Society - CEBS)

  15. Simon Jacobs

  16. Lawrence John Smith

  17. Alfred Peck

  18. Ronald William Hopkins (lay teacher)

  19. Allan Thomas Walters (lay teacher)

  20. Robert “Dolly” Dunn (lay teacher)

  21. Martin James Cooper

  22. Phillip John Hardy

  23. Alan James Pollock

  24. John Elliot (Church of England Boys’ Society - CEBS)

  25. Louis “Lou” Daniels (Church of England Boys’ Society - CEBS)

  26. Raymond Hugh Logan

  27. Barry Francis Watson (Church of England Boys’ Society - CEBS)

  28. Gerald Vincent Byrnes (lay teacher)

  29. Errol Swain (lay teacher)

  30. Laurie Maher (former superintendent of Mt Penang Training School)

  31. Allan Keith Huggins

  32. Cletus O’Connor

  33. Frederick Roy Hoskins

  34. Christiaan John Beullens

  35. William Richmond “Adrian” Sandwell (Church of England Boys’ Society - CEBS)

  36. James Sampson Doran (lay teacher)

  37. Richard John O’Connor

  38. Joseph William Weygood (lay teacher and former Marist Brother)

  39. Stephen John Stockdale-Hall (lay teacher)

  40. Dennis McKenna

  41. Roy Wenlock

  42. David “Harry” Harkess (lay teacher)

  43. Ian Harold King

  44. Peter Gerard Boyes (lay teacher)

Moody Law

We have represented for over 2,500 survivors of sexual abuse over the past 15 years.

We invite former victims of child sexual abuse to contact us to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.

Call us or complete the confidential enquiry form below.